454 Crusaders - no water intake shutoff valve - good/bad?

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454 Crusaders - no water intake shutoff valve - good/bad?

Post by bcassedy »

Our 41' Marquis was purchased and we (I...) found that, unlike our 32' SB, there are no shutoff valves at the engine thruhulls. Was this done purposely by the manufacturer?

I know there's a downside with manual valves in place. Should you park the boat on the hard and (inadvertently) leave the valve closed the cold of winter will freeze the residual water within the hose below the salad bowls and bust the valve! :oops: This is less likely if:
1. The boat's left in the water where there's less likelihood of
freezing, but without an external heater, is still a "potential".
2. Leaving the boat in the water without the valve also risks water
influx up into the 'salad bowls' diluting the antifreeze. In that
case a hard freeze could cause the diluted water to freeze and
possibly cause damage.
Having learned my lesson to close the valve AND vacuum the water out of the hose between the valve and salad bowl as part of the winterizing process, I'm inclined to install a manual valve at the thruhull.

Bill & Sharon Cassedy
"Sunset Seeker"
'88 32' Sedan Bridge to be sold (updtd 1-1-22)
"Sunset Seeker Too" (SS2)
'88 41' Marquis hardtop. (as of 1/1/22)
Located in Aurora, In.
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Re: 454 Crusaders - no water intake shutoff valve - good/bad?

Post by javalin390 »

Do you know if the Crusaders were a repower/retro-fit? It doesn't seem logical to not installing them. Any thru hull should be able to be shut off. BoatU.S. statistics show that 75% of boats sinking, happens while docked, usually due to a failed hose clamp, burst hose or using a PVC plastic shut-off instead of a bronze one. The first thing I would do is install a set of bronze shut-offs as close to the thru-hull as possible. A short hose between the thru-hull and valve will less likely to fail, using all stainless steel clamps. Personally, after every weekend when I leave the boat, I shut off everything, including the fuel lines (mine has bronze/stainless quarter turn shut-offs right before the fuel pumps). I always err on the side of caution. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I have seen a lot of boat "totaled" due to sinking, including three M's I've seen scrapped because the interiors got waterlogged. Truley sad to see.
Jim Elias
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Re: 454 Crusaders - no water intake shutoff valve - good/bad?

Post by bcassedy »

Thanks for the input!!!! Gonna put "install shutoff valve at thruhull inlet" on to do list!!

Will also make it a point to shut off gas lines when leaving the boat.

Bill & Sharon Cassedy
"Sunset Seeker"
'88 32' Sedan Bridge to be sold (updtd 1-1-22)
"Sunset Seeker Too" (SS2)
'88 41' Marquis hardtop. (as of 1/1/22)
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Royal Aluminum Star
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Re: 454 Crusaders - no water intake shutoff valve - good/bad?

Post by bcassedy »

Thanks for the input!!!! Gonna put "install shutoff valve at thruhull inlet" on to do list!!

Will also make it a point to shut off gas lines when leaving the boat.

Bill & Sharon Cassedy
"Sunset Seeker"
'88 32' Sedan Bridge to be sold (updtd 1-1-22)
"Sunset Seeker Too" (SS2)
'88 41' Marquis hardtop. (as of 1/1/22)
Located in Aurora, In.
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Re: 454 Crusaders - no water intake shutoff valve - good/bad?

Post by Knotty »

It was a good thing I read this post, it made me realize I didn’t close mine the last time I was on the boat… lucky for me a friend was nearby and closed them for me..
1988 37’ Double Cabin at marina in Port St Luci, Fl. Castle K now, will soon be “Margarita Money”….
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Re: 454 Crusaders - no water intake shutoff valve - good/bad?

Post by tundrarules »

You must have shutoff valves! What if a hose fails while at sea or at the dock? I always shut all my thru-hull valves when I leave the boat for the week. That includes toilet and air conditioner valve's. The bilge pump will only run so long. Better safe than sorry.
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Re: 454 Crusaders - no water intake shutoff valve - good/bad?

Post by BlueSkye »

I put a ball valve and Tee on mine. Aside from safety, also makes it easy to suck antifreeze into the engine.
1971 32ft Express 2x318
Seneca Lake, Erie Canal, Lake Ontario, Rideau
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